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What Languages Does Bellingham Speak?

Jude Bellingham is a player for Real Madrid and English. He is a young, extremely talented footballer, who has gained attention around the world not only for his footballing abilities but for adjusting to new languages and cultures as well. As Bellingham’s profile grows as he plays in new places, new sports fans want to know about what other languages he speaks.

Bellingham’s Native Language

Being from Stourbridge, England, Jude Bellingham’s native language is English. Meanwhile, English is the language he feels most comfortable with and communicates most naturally. Bellingham acquired his first language and developed essential language skills through his education and living in an English home.

Does Bellingham Speak German?

Yes, you heard that correctly. Jude Bellingham can communicate in German. Notably, Bellingham moved to Germany in 2020, at age 17, to play for Borussia Dortmund, a top football club in Germany. Bellingham subsequently submerged himself in the German culture and faced the task of learning German. Bellingham’s communication autistics suggest an improved communication ability with his team, and coaches and more fluency in the German culture itself. While Bellingham may not be bullet-proof German yet, it is noteworthy and admirable that he is attempting to communicate in German.

Does Bellingham Speak Spanish?

Correct, Bellingham is able to communicate in Spanish, though not yet with full fluency. In 2023, he signed with Real Madrid, a storied club located in Madrid and comprised of players from many different backgrounds but largely Spanish-speaking players. Prior to his signing with Real Madrid, he began to study Spanish. He sees the vital importance of communication in his new team and made important progress in his understanding of basic Spanish to communicate with teammates, coaches, and fans. He is showing wrestling’s valuable professional trait by being proactive in communicating in the culture of his new home, and he deserves to respect the efforts made learning Spanish.